315 articles found

The outcome of the war against Hamas is yet to be decided. Biden shouldn't oppose defeating Hamas.

Legacy media claim that they had no prior knowledge of photographers' involvement with terrorists.

A new report indicates that the reason for U.S. humanitarian aid to Gaza is to undermine the IDF and blackmail Israeli politicians.

Artist & Activist Weiming Chen Uses Art to Counter the CCP’s Message and its Goals

If the Israeli government remains politically stable, if the IDF continues its brilliant fight in Gaza and if U.S. opinion remains supportive, Jerusalem can flip Hamas’s machinations on its head..

Justice John Marshal Harlan was right when he did not attend John F. Kennnedy's first State of the Union address. Modern justices should do the same.

In his address to the nation, Biden mentioned his predecessor more than 12 times but never mentioned anti-semitism.

Nearly half of British Jews are considering emigration in face of raucous pro-Hamas intimidation.

The world is witnessing a dangerous turning point in history as a Golden Age of tolerance comes to an end. Is it the end of American exceptionalism?

Critical race theory, intersectionality, 'anti-racism', and Diversity Equity And Inclusion have swept up academia and the educated classes.