315 articles found

Among the five red lines for a deal with Hamas is Israel's insistence that has freedom to resume military operations after a 6-week ceasefire, following release of some hostages held by Hamas.

Israelis & Palestinians: Colliding Frames of Mind

Professor Mariana Chilton allegedly purloined pro-Israel signage from Pennsylvania synagogue, claiming the signs represent genocide.

If you thought things couldn’t get any more Orwellian in Canada, hold on to your hockey sticks.

Investigations have resulted in barely a wrist slap. Defunding colleges that are hotbeds of Jew-hatred should be the goal, not futile complaints to Washington.

The Sunday pogrom of Jews in California happened because local police and authorities failed to prevent it.

The prospect of a ground war in Lebanon is met with questions about U.S. material support for Israel.

Acting slowly and deliberately, Israel can learn as it goes, adapting its operations to the conditions it discovers on the ground in fighting Hezbollah.

'All of us should be proud of what Nicky Winton did to save so many, and proud of Montana's Jewish heritage.'

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