315 articles found

The Biden administration has drafted a proposal for the UN security council that calls for a ceasefire.

Whether or not Biden knows that what he says bashes Israel, the harm that he’s doing is real.

Victims of Hamas Attacks to Sue Iran Et Al

Brandeis Center charges American University with failure in its legal obligation to protect Jewish students on campus.

Forcing Prime Minister Netanyahu to choose between his governing coalition and ties with the United States is a recipe for political chaos and military defeat.

President Biden said Israel's military operations in Gaza have gone too far.

Israeli PM Netanyahu is trying to defeat Hamas, Biden’s efforts—and his fictional “doctrine”—seek to depose the Israeli prime minister and re-elect the president.

The UN Relief Works Agency for Palestine Refugees is a tool for terrorism.

Sudan can hold an important key for the future of the Middle East. While located inside Africa, Sudan has close ties to countries such as Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and others. Its government is seeking normalization with Israel, and whether it happens or not depends on the outcome of the current civil war. The General Security Services and the RSF are pro westernization, and they are battling forces inside that want to warm to Russia, China and Iran. The outcome could determine the course for Middle East Peace.

The US and UK have been joined by France, Germany, Japan and other countries in suspending aid to the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees.