315 articles found

Law Enforcement Ends U Utah Pro-Palestinian Rally

“What is important now is for all of us, all of us who … cherish our values and our civilization to stand up together and to say: Enough is enough,” said Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Students chant 'We are Hamas', 'Death to America', and call for repeating the horrors of Oct. 7 'a thousand times', Do they know where that leads?

Founded by the Jewish community, Brandeis University is non-sectarian and guarantees an excellent education free of fear.

If Israel fails to risk a rupture in relations with the United States, it will accept a position that will lead to its destruction.

The Haggadah states, “For it was not one enemy alone who rose up against us to destroy us; in every generation, there are those who rise up against us and seek to destroy us.”

Progressive Democrats, such as Reps. Ocasio-Cortez, Omar, and Tlaib, are no longer isolated in their party for their hostility to Israel.

A major player on Wall Street is behind the raucous anti-Semitic rallies in New York City.

Three major human rights organization filed a complaint with the federal Department of Education, charging that OSU stood by as Jewish students were threatened and intimidated.

Interrogated by Israelis, Tarek Abu Shaluf admits that his group falsely blamed Israel for a misfired missile that killed over 100 in October 2023, an incident largely blamed on Israel.