288 articles found

The Organization of American States meets this week and may re-write human rights law.

New laws to safeguard society grant sweeping new powers to intrude on private lives, assault accountability, and destabilize due process

The Catholic Land Movement fosters ancient values of God, family, and work.

Any lawyers representing or associated with Trump run significant risks.

Alternative energy sources, such as wind mills, are unreliable sources of constant base-load generation.

US support for a UN commission in Guatemala corrupted justice and the media to the detriment of democracy and combating narcotrafficking.

Ideological commissars decide on scholars' recruitment and promotions to the detriment of free inquiry.

What comes out of a computer was put there by programmers.

Scientists in Taiwan studied how Unmanned ground vehicles can eliminate breeding sites for disease-carrying skeeters.

A new MIT study shows lawyers find simplified legal documents easier to understand, more appealing, and just as enforceable as traditional contracts.