315 articles found

A conference held among community leaders became a call to arms to address growing indifference to the national security of Israel and the Jewish people

If the current trend continues, evangelical Christians will outnumber Catholics in Central America by the end of this decade.

Stephanie Jolluck and Giorgio Rossilli are out on bond after allegedly smuggling pre-Colombian art.

Declining sperm counts in the West, discovered five years ago, is also found in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, according to a new meta-analysis.

Researchers found isotopes in the teeth of ancient fish showing evidence of cooking, 780,000 years ago.

Two lesbians stand accused of gender-based torture, including genital biting, of a five-year-old

Athletes and other elite Iranians are standing up to the mullahs and military.

By the standards used to judge tobacco addiction, fat and calorie-laden foods are just as addictive.

Zionism is essential Jewish identity and should guide defenders of Israel and Jewish people.

Is Jew-hatred now mainstream in the U.S.?